Wednesday, August 10, 2011


There were 2 winners...since there were the only 2 who nearly followed the directions. Thanks to all who looked! Still working on marketing. Loved seeing where all the people came from. Louisville, Ky to Jacksonville, Tx (the winners Wendie and Andrea) to Russia...and all over. Reconnected with friends from all over and connected with Florida summer Evacuees. They don't realize how great is here without all the snowbirds. Restaurants and Roads are ours! Texas and midwest friends it is really cool and it rains here...wish I could send some. Check back often for new art and check my feed to see where all the people came from. Winners received a box of note cards. If you ever want notecards...I will even let you choose 4 designs off my site to put together a box of 8 cards...2 of each. Found out it is $5 to send so $15 to mail 1 box. Cards are $10 a box so if you want more than 1 box...shipping will be whatever my cost is. They make great hostess gifts...or Christmas gifts.